

Years of marginalization of the care sector along the years, led to a gap in qualified caregivers who generally worked in precarious working conditions with little or no labor rights, and below minimum wage salaries. As a result, childcare services in daycares were often below standard, particularly in underserved areas.


Since its inception, the importance of improving child care services in daycares and improving working conditions for caregivers, was one of the organization’s main goals. This goal was translated into a pillar in the National Framework for Workplace Daycares in 2016 which SADAQA launched in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and with support from the ILO. Building the capacity and increasing the employability of caregivers would ultimately translate into improved working conditions and thus, better services provided to children at daycares around Jordan. This aim would be realized through conducting hands-on training programs for caregivers who would then be matched with job opportunities through SADAQA’s First Five Years Network of qualified and trained caregivers, and potential daycare and business owners who have workplace daycares onsite.

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The aim of SADAQA’s training program for caregivers which is split into two levels, basic and advanced, is to upgrade the level of knowledge and skills in managing daycares and classrooms. It also enhances their knowledge in childhood development and provides them with the required tools and skills to address the major milestones in children’s development. It also includes labor rights sessions implemented in cooperation with the Justice Center for Legal Aid (JCLA), as well as first aid training conducted by the Jordan Paramedic Society (JPS).


A pre and post assessment is also applied during both levels of the training program to measure learning. The results are also taken into consideration to improve each learning objective in future workshop design. Moreover, an overall evaluation of the entire workshop is carried out in an open discussion to understand what caregivers learned, what can be improved and what additional skills are required. At the end of the training, a certificate of completion is handed out to caregivers who have completed the course in the presence of both the Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Labor.


SADAQA also conducts a three-month paid internship for caregivers who have completed the advanced training course. Caregivers are placed in partner daycares for a direct on the job training experience. Several have secured jobs at the trainer establishment.

All of SADAQA’s training programs are conducted free of charge and with support from donors including the ILO, KTK, OSF, the French Embassy in Jordan and in partnership with Book n’ Brush Daycare.